Homeschool moms love technology and we’re constantly finding new ways to integrate this technology into our teaching. The internet is full of resources homeschool moms can use to enhance teaching and encourage learning.
Our homeschool is no exception, so today I’m sharing eight educational websites we love! I hope you’ll visit and bookmark these wonderful websites.
Start With a Book: When I’m planning a unit study or if I need a book on a particular topic, this is the first place I stop. Start with a Book allows parents to select a topic, such as cooking, sports, inventors, or money. Once selected, recommended book titles, fiction and nonfiction, are provided according to age group. If you’re looking for supplemental activities, Start With a Book even offers writing prompts and hands on activities.
A Maths Dictionary For Kids: Math resources are always in demand, so A Maths Dictionary is a great resource for homeschool families. Math topics up to beginning algebra are covered through a variety of printable posters. We use these printables as reference pages inside the girls’ interactive math notebooks.
Sheppard Software: This is one of the girls’ favorite websites. This colorful and engaging website features hundreds of entertaining and educational games spanning a variety subject areas. Preschoolers will enjoy animal games and paint activities, while older students can work on placing items in the Periodic Table, playing math mahjong (my personal favorite!), or studying vocabulary flashcards for SAT/GRE prep.
Udemy: This website features hundreds of self-paced classes for children and adults. Begin your class search by selecting a category (Business, Academics, Test Prep, etc) and continue by clicking through course offerings. Courses fall within a variety of price ranges, but Udemy often has sales and you can often snag a course for $10.99 or so. This year, my girls are taking a few art classes and Spanish classes.
Quizlet: Back in the day, my flashcards were all made by hand. That may be considered an ancient practice now that Quizlet is here. Users can either make their own flashcards or search for flashcards created and shared by other learners. My daughter use her Quizlet account to study for science and geography classes.
Khan Academy: I’d be remiss if I failed to mention this amazing website. Sal’s video tutorials on math and science have helped many students. Now Khan Academy offers courses in history, computing, test prep, and humanities as well. Students can complete assessments online and even earn productivity badges for watching and taking quizzes.
Trello: If you need a powerful, clean, and user friendly organizational tool, Trello is for you. Use its system of portable boards and cards to keep track of homeschool projects and even create lesson plans. One of the best things about Trello is its ability to make collaborative efforts a breeze.
TEDx: These inspirational and educational videos have proven to be a homeschool hit with everyone, adults and children alike. There are many hundreds of talks to choose among and they address a variety of subjects. For TED Talks featuring African Americans, check out this page, Black TED Talks.
Have you used any of these websites? What educational websites do you use in your homeschool? You’re welcome to share info by leaving a comment.