I like to begin each school day in a clean working space and with a clear mind. But as you know, these things won’t happen on their own. In order for me to have a pleasant and productive homeschool day tomorrow, I’ve got to do some planning tonight.
And so, each night before I head to bed, there are certain things I do. When the new day arrives, I never regret having spent time doing these things the night before. Today I’m sharing the seven things you might want to do tonight in order to make tomorrow’s homeschool day even better.
Plan tomorrow’s dinner. To me there are few things more annoying than standing in front of the fridge and pantry at 5:00 pm and having no idea of what I’ll be serving for dinner. Avoid this horrible scenario by planning ahead. Take meat from the freezer to thaw in the fridge overnight or get a head start on things by prepping ingredients for a slow cooker meal. When you plan for tomorrow’s dinner tonight, life is much easier.
Review tomorrow’s lessons and activities. Take a few moments to look over tomorrow’s lessons, activities, and appointments. Do you need to print out copies for tomorrow’s math activity? Do you need to stop by the gas station before heading to music lessons? Will bad weather cause a change of plans? If you review these issues tonight, you’ll feel better tomorrow.
Get clothes ready. Some people think homeschool sit around in pajamas every day, but we know that’s not the case. Since we usually need to be better dressed than that, it’s wise to prep clothes before going to bed. Select your outfit and have the kids do the same. If anything needs to be washed or ironed, take care of it before you go to bed. Your morning self will thank you.
Reflect upon your day. Before you go to bed, take some time to think about your day. How’d you feel about how the day went? Did you meet your goals? How much did the kids learn? How well did you teach? Did the kids have fun? What went well? What would you like to do better tomorrow? Reflection helps you make mental preparations for the new day.
Clean up. It’s hard to focus on learning if things are messy and disorganized. Plus, it’s no fun to rush around cleaning in the morning. At the end of the day, do yourself a big favor by putting school materials away and organizing your materials for tomorrow. If you clean up tonight, you can begin the new day in a clutter free atmosphere.
Treat yourself. You’re a hardworking homeschool mom and you deserve a treat! Make time to do something for yourself. Take an extra long shower or indulge in a bubble bath. Phone that friend you’ve been meaning to call. Scroll through your favorite Pinterest feeds or tune in to your favorite show on Netflix. Eat a bit of that Sea Salt Caramel Gelato. Whatever it is you like to do for you, do that before you call it a night.
Go to bed at a reasonable hour. You already know rest is important. Your body and mind need to recharge each day. Wrap up your evening tasks in enough time so you’ll be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep. If you don’t, you may soon find you’re not functioning well. Don’t rob yourself of the rest you need by staying up too late.
A good homeschool day doesn’t just happen. It takes planning and discipline. How do you get ready for a new homeschool day?
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